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  • Writer's pictureEJ Miler

What is Mail Marketing and why is it effective?

A form of direct marketing that is physically delivered to a prospect's mailbox by using the Postal Service of the United States or another delivery service. Examples include flyers, catalogs, and postcards. Digital email marketing is the same thing.

The United States Postal Service or another delivery service delivers direct mail marketing, a type of direct marketing, directly to a prospect's mailbox. Examples include flyers, catalogs, and postcards. Digital email marketing is the same thing.

The marketing industry is largely digital today. However, when executed correctly, direct mail marketing can complement your other channels, differentiate your business, and aid in the development of customer relationships.

Any written correspondence you send to customers with the intention of encouraging them to do business with your company is considered direct mail marketing.

A call to action (CTA), a way for customers to get in touch with you, and something that identifies you or your company are all that are required for your direct mailers. You decide what else to do. You can be as extravagant or as simple as you like.

Examples of direct mail advertising comes in a variety of forms and, when executed correctly, can assist in increasing website traffic and conversions. By getting your name in the minds of potential customers, direct mail marketing can also increase overall brand awareness. At the point when you focus on your crowd accurately, standard mail promoting can upgrade your general advertising technique.

Why is marketing via direct mail still effective?

Neil Patel, an entrepreneur, marketer, and best-selling author, discussed recent research regarding the median return on investment (ROI) per marketing medium on his blog. One overview showed that regular postal mail crusades really had a higher return on initial capital investment than both paid search and online presentation promotions. In point of fact, the second highest ROI medium was social media, behind direct mail by only 1 percentage point.

Additionally, other recent findings demonstrated that direct mail has a response rate of 5.3%, which is higher than email's response rate of 0.6%). So, why is direct mail, which many people believe is declining, still so effective?

Direct mail has a personal touch.

Direct mail can help increase the number of people who see your marketing because customers typically look at mail before making a decision about whether or not to keep it.

Customers are more likely to keep the mailer if you include a promotional offer, coupon, or CTA that requires them to bring it to a store or restaurant.

It sticks out.

Getting letters in the mail can bring back memories of when friends and family used to send you letters. Consider adding a personalized touch like a handwritten note or signature if you want to elicit a stronger emotional response from the recipient. This kind of small gesture can help make your marketing more memorable.

It may have a wider audience.

If your target audience is less likely to use social media or email, direct mail can also reach a larger audience than electronic advertising. When all-electronic advertisements would have completely missed these individuals, this type of traditional marketing can convert some of them into potential customers.

It gives you a lot of creative options.

For a seamless customer journey, you can combine direct mail with social media and digital content marketing.

For instance, a marketing company based in Utah ran a holiday campaign in which they sent out a card and a $20 bill to people and asked them to donate the money to a charity. When people scanned the code on the back of the card, it showed them a YouTube video explaining the project and gave them a hashtag to use in social media posts about their contribution. This brought the company's values and brand to the attention of the general public.

Because direct mail is more tactile than digital marketing, you can use more of your recipients' senses to engage with your creative ideas. Some examples of cutting-edge marketing strategies from various businesses include the following:

Calendars with male and female cutouts were distributed to customers of a Brazilian gym. The people's silhouettes became slimmer each month as they flipped back, mimicking the effect of regular exercise.

One marketing team distributed direct mailers with a message that could only be seen when submerged in water in order to celebrate World Water Day.FM radios made of disassembled cardboard were distributed by an Australian marketing company. The instructions for tuning the radio to a channel where they could hear an advertisement inviting them to join the national defense force were given to the recipients who put them together.

There is less competition here.

Digital marketing is taking over from traditional methods of advertising. Digital is more eco-friendly and easier to start seeing results than traditional methods.

However, it's easier to get noticed these days because fewer businesses are using direct mail.

Keep in mind that the majority of people will at least read their mail before discarding it, and a creative, colorful piece of mail has a much better chance of standing out in someone's mailbox than your website does on Google—at least at first. In the modern era, people don't expect direct mail as much, and they don't get distracted as much when they look through physical mail as they do when they look at it online.

People may keep your coupon or special offer even if they don't use it right away, especially if they need it. They'll stick it on their refrigerator or a board and let it sit there. Then, your business will be more likely to come to mind when they are looking for a new pair of pants or a deal on power tools.

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